Obtain a wildcard Let's Encrypt certificate

Use the manual plugin and DNS challenge in certbot to obtain a wildcard Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. Subdomains only. You can only use this wildcard certificate on subdomains (e.g. www.example.com, mail.example.com). You cannot use it for the apex domain (e.g. example.com). Obtain a separate certificate for the apex domain. $ certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d '*.example.com' Create the TXT record as instructed by certbot. Before continuing, use dig or Google’s Dig tool to confirm the records is applied....

September 21, 2021

Use a graphical diff tool with Fossil

You can configure Fossil’s gdiff command to launch your favorite graphical diff tool. Below are examples configuring some popular diff tools. All the examples below include the --global option. If you want to configure this setting only for the current repository, omit that option. Beyond Compare: $ fossil settings --global gdiff 'bcomp' Git: $ fossil settings --global gdiff 'code --diff --wait' vimdiff: $ fossil settings --global gdiff 'vimdiff' Visual Studio Code:...

September 18, 2021

Resolve Fossil login failures after changing your password

After changing your password on a remote Fossil repository, you will receive login failures when trying to sync your local repository. $ fossil sync Sync with https://blachniet@example.com/test Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0 Error: login failed Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0 Sync done, sent: 420 received: 285 ip: $ fossil commit Autosync: https://blachniet@example.com/test Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0 Error: login failed Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0 Pull done, sent: 446 received: 287 ip: 192....

September 6, 2021

Remove leaf and dependencies in Homebrew

A leaf in Homebrew is a formula that is not a dependency of another installed formula. You can list the currently installed leaves using the brew leaves command. See thoughtbot’s brew leaves post for more information on this command. Removing a leaf in Homebrew can suddenly introduce many more leaves; the dependencies of the formula you removed. In this post I will show you how to remove a leaf as well as all its dependencies not used by any other formulae....

August 3, 2021

Retiring Rager

I’ve decided to shut down the Rager service at the end of October. I haven’t had time to improve or maintain the service lately. Some recent outages have gone unresolved for weeks! I suggest that those who were using this service consider Libraries.io as an alternative. Libraries.io has: Support for many project repositories and package managers Many features A team supporting the project Corporate sponsorship It’s open source!

October 8, 2017