Backup Your Kubernetes Cluster with Velero and Backblaze

After finalizing backups from my NAS and household computers to Backblaze’s B2 Cloud Storage, I decided it was time to do the same for my Kubernetes cluster. I use the built-in backup utility on my NAS and Restic on my household computers. After a little research, I found that Velero is a solid option for backing up Kubernetes clusters. It supports storage providers that have an AWS S3-compatible API, which includes B2 Cloud Storage!...

February 17, 2024

Create a minimal, local Debian VM with QEMU

I occasionally need to spin up a local, short-lived VM on my workstation in order to test something on Linux. For example, I was recently testing a Kubernetes backup utility, so I created a local VM and installed K3s in it. Vagrant and VirtualBox are my go-to for this. I’m up and off to the races with just a few commands. vagrant init hashicorp/bionic64 vagrant up vagrant ssh But after seeing how easy it is to spin up a local VM with QEMU, I decided to give that a try....

February 3, 2024

Remove a video stream from an MP4

My kids figured out pretty early how to capture videos and pictures on our tablets. I ran across a video recently that was taking up almost 2 GB of space in my library. I played it back to find that my toddler (at the time) had captured an hour-long video, but had left the tablet on the ground the entire time, camera facing down. The entire video was black, but the audio was pretty adorable....

January 16, 2023

Back up macOS Photos with Restic

Restic is a wonderfully simple backup program. I’ve used it on my Linux machines for a while. I recently decided to use it on macOS as well. restic --repo /Volumes/restic-repo --verbose backup ~/Documents ~/Pictures If you run this on macOS, you might get an error like the following from restic. The error indicates that restic can’t open the Photos library folder. can not obtain extended attribute for /Users/blachniet/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary: can not obtain extended attribute com....

December 10, 2022

Obtain a wildcard Let's Encrypt certificate

Use the manual plugin and DNS challenge in certbot to obtain a wildcard Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. Subdomains only. You can only use this wildcard certificate on subdomains (e.g., You cannot use it for the apex domain (e.g. Obtain a separate certificate for the apex domain. $ certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d '*' Create the TXT record as instructed by certbot. Before continuing, use dig or Google’s Dig tool to confirm the records is applied....

September 21, 2021